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发表于 2018-1-24 17:10:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  一 、雅思考试大作文出题形式
  大部分的老师根据大作文题目的问题将其分为三类。第一类,问是否同意; 第二类,分析优缺点表达个人意见; 第三类问解决方案
  1. 议论式:给出一种观点——Do you agree or disagree?
  Nowadays computer are widely used in education. As a result, some peoplethink teachers no longer play important roles in classrooms.
  To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  2 议论式:给出两种对立的观点——Discuss both views and give your own opinions; 或者分析优缺点——Doyou think the advantages/benefits outweigh its disadvantages/problems?
  对立观点:Some people argue that there are no basic differences between the waymen and women approach academic study. Others insist that there are bigdifferences in areas such as organization, attitude and ambition.
  Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
  分析优缺点:Some people agree to adopt a new language (Such as English) that canbe used by people all of the world for international communication.
  Do you think the benefits of this would outweigh the problems?
  3. Report解决方案式:
  1) Why?
  2) Result?
  3) Solution?
  (1, 2) Nowadays, people always throw the old things away when they buy newthings; whereas in the past, old things were repaired and used again. Whatfactors cause this phenomenon? What effects the phenomenon leads to?
  (1, 3) Many species of plants and animals are dying out. What are thecauses of this trend? How can we prevent it?
  ? 连贯性和结构层次:考生能否将信息和要点进行组织(如运用分段的能力)、信息和要点之间的联系是否清晰;
  ? 词汇来源:考生使用的词汇是否广泛、准确、且适合这一部分写作的要求;
  ? 语法的多样性和准确性:考生使用的语法结构是否多样、准确、且适合这一部分写作的要求。
  【推荐阅读】加拿大留学双录取与直录区别在哪?:http://www.wenduguoji.com/liuxue/20170809/11448.shtml  【托福学习资料共享群:322050196】


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