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Men Are Hard to Pleased -_-

发表于 2004-12-17 14:39:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
men are hard to pleased 男人很难取悦!!

the problems with guys: 男人的问题是:

if u treat him nicely, he says u are in love with him; 如果妳对他好,他说妳爱上他了. if u don't, he says u are proud. 对他不好,他说妳骄傲. if u dress nicely, he says u are trying to lure him; 如果妳穿得很漂亮,他说你企图诱惑他.

if u don't, he says u are from kampung. 如果不,他说妳是乡下来的

if u argue with him, he says u are stubborn; 如果妳跟他理论,他说妳固执 if u keep quiet, he says u have no brains. 如果妳沉默,他说妳没大脑!

if u are smarter than him, he'll lose face; 如果妳比他聪明,他说那是小聪明

if he's smarter than u, he is great. 如果他比你聪明,他就是有智慧! if u don't love him, he tries to possess u; 如果妳不爱他,他想拥有妳

if u love him, he will try to leave u.(very true huh?) 如果妳爱他,他试着离开妳. if u don't make love with him., he says u don't love him; 如果妳不跟他做爱,他说妳不爱他

if u do!! he says u are cheap. 如果跟他做,他说你是贱货!

if u tell him your problem, he says u are troblesome; 如果妳告诉他妳的问题,他说妳麻烦

if u don't, he says that u don't trust him. 如果不,他说妳不信任他

if u scold him, u are like a nanny to him; 如果妳骂他,妳好象他奶妈

if he scolds u, it is because he cares for u. 如果他骂妳,是表示他“关心”妳

if u break your promise, u cannot be trusted; 如果妳没有守承诺,妳就是不可信的人 if he breaks his,he is forced to do so. 如果他不守承诺,他是迫不得已的

if u smoke, u are bad girl; 如果妳吸烟,妳是坏女孩

if he smokes, he is gentlement. 如果他吸烟,他是绅士 if u do well in your exams, he says it's luck; 如果妳考试成绩好,他说是运气

if he does well, it's brains. 如果他考得好,他说是实力!

if u hurt him, u are cruel; 如果妳伤害了他,表示妳很残忍

if he hurts u, u are too sensitive!! 如果他伤害了妳,表示妳太敏感而且太难取悦!

so hard to please!!!!!

if u send this to guys, they will swear that it's not true....... 如果你寄这封信给男生,他们会发誓以上是不正确的.. but if u don't they say u are selfish..... 如果你不寄给他们,他们说妳自私.. the moral of the story is....... 以上的故事告诉我们:

send this to guys out there anyway... 快转寄这邮件给男生吧!

send it to girls also, gives them some laughter... 转寄给女生,让她们笑一笑!


使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-12-28 14:01:57 | 显示全部楼层


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-1-8 13:07:50 | 显示全部楼层

do be hard to pleased.

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发表于 2005-1-14 13:54:26 | 显示全部楼层
哎!好像到了更年期的人啊 ![em01][em01][em01][em01]
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发表于 2005-1-26 08:08:20 | 显示全部楼层
That`s not true,I 100%sure I not that guard
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发表于 2005-1-26 15:30:59 | 显示全部楼层
you are very humour[em04][em06]
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发表于 2005-8-7 17:31:05 | 显示全部楼层


how old are you ?

i would like to make friend with you

in a word I want to recognize you.if you have received my letter today!

this afternoon i have given you a letter with my mailbox

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