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天才少年乡村歌手Billy Gilman

发表于 2003-4-28 13:32:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
There's A Hero from Billy Gilman
A beautiful and nice song!

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 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-28 13:35:00 | 显示全部楼层

Here's the lyrics

There's A Hero

There's a flower in the smallest garden
Reaching for the light
There's a candle in the darkest corner
Conquering the night
There is amazing strength In a willing hand
There are victories
That you've never planned
There's a hero
In everybody's heart

There's a fire inside of everybody
Burning clear & bright
There's a power in the faintest heartbeat
That cannot be denied
Go on and trust yourself
You can ride the wind
You're gonna take your dreams
Where they've never been
There's a hero In everybody's heart

Go on and trust yourself
You can ride the wind
You're gonna take your dreams
Where they've never been
There's a hero In everybody's heart
There's a hero In everybody's heart
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-28 13:36:00 | 显示全部楼层

BIO of Billy Gilman

Billy Gilman(小比利),一个12岁大男孩, 就是现在音乐圈争相讨论的话题人物,究竟他有何本事吸引大家的目光, 答案就是小比利是有史以来流行乐坛最年轻的少年歌手,以首张专辑《One Voice》创造全美百万以上的销售纪录,并且迅速拿下Billboard乡村专辑榜亚军及流行专辑榜Top22, 同名单曲直扑乡村单曲榜Top20并跃进流行单曲榜Top38,攻势强劲必有更灿烂的成绩表现!

  人小志愿宏大的小比利从小就立下志向要当个歌手,7岁就在舞台上表演受到大家另眼相看, 一致认为这个小孩全身散发明星的特质,日后必会在有番大作为,果然当小比利在美国乡村音乐奖CMA上表演,受到在场人士起立鼓掌久久不停的最高肯定, 他那清澈透明、情感丰沛的嗓音让人们感受到温柔及喜悦。

  生长在罗得岛的小比利, 从小就爱听祖父母所播放的乡村音乐,包活:Tammy Wynette、George Jones、Eddie Arnold等经典大师作品,当小比利生命中的贵人Ray Benson出现, 他的生命有了剧烈的改变。Ray Benson身为乡村乐界传奇人物, 在他的引荐之下小比利正式进入乐坛.实现他心目中长久以来的梦想——站在众人面前唱歌, 以歌声带给人们欢乐及满足。

  2000年小比利发行首张大碟《心情笔记One Voice》,网罗时下流行乡村最坚强的阵容包括David Malloy (Reba Mcentire)、Blake Chancey(Dixie Chicks)、Don Cook(Lonestar)等三大制作人监制,仅凭首支单曲《One Voice》就缔造Billboard流行单曲榜Top38、乡村单曲榜Top20佳绩,而专辑隆登Billboard流行专辑榜Top22、乡村专辑榜亚军, 并且缔造流行音乐史上最年轻的歌手以首张专辑创造百万销售量的辉煌成就, 小比利以其真挚的情感、动人的嗓音征服成人市场,而他纯真俏皮的模样也深深吸引人们的喜爱及注目。 而在圣诞前夕,小比利发行别具意义的圣诞专辑《最爱圣诞精选Classic Christmas》,再度缔造Billboard乡村专辑榜Top5佳绩,首支单曲《Warm & Fuzzy》展现小比利透过歌声为所有人打造快乐温暖的圣诞佳节,而跨界天后夏绿蒂也慕名前来与小比利合作经典圣诞名曲《Sleigh Ride》,共创美声极致的优扬乐音。 而美国总统柯林顿也在一年一度的白宫耶诞大型派对上,邀请小比利在全美观众面前献上最悠扬的歌声。

  在2000年到2001年全美重量级音乐盛会中, 都有小比利的身影及优异表现,首先在Billboard音乐录像带大奖一口气夺得最佳乡村新人、最佳现代福音、最佳现代福音新人、 最佳爵士与成人新人等四项殊荣,全美音乐奖赢得最佳乡村新人肯定, 在葛莱美奖则是获得最佳乡村男歌手及最佳乡村歌曲提名。 这一切接连而来的肯定都证明小比利是当今最有才华及最受欢迎的少年歌手。
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 楼主| 发表于 2003-4-28 13:38:00 | 显示全部楼层

There's A Hero Information

As you all probably know by now, on Friday, February 2nd Billy was in St. Louis, MO to take part in WIL92's Radiothon in benefit of St Judes Children's Hospital. The Friday night autograph signing was a MAJOR success that brought out over 1,000 fans, some of whom had started lining up at 9am for the 7pm event. Billy spent two hours signing autographs and helping raise a record amount of money for St. Judes.

Because Billy's appearance drew such a huge crowd to WIL's St Judes Radiothon, Billy's promotion team felt that "There's A Hero" was a "prefect expression of hope" shared by all involved with St. Judes Children's Hospital and the Radiothon. Due to a number of requests, Sony/Epic have rushed customized copies of the song, including some personal stories of St. Judes children and parents, and customized station public service announcements for the charity to radio stations. The reaction from participating radio stations has been so overwhelming that Sony/Epic is creating a special video to "complement" the customized version of "There's A Hero" in an "ongoing effort to help raise thousands of dollars for a charity that makes a difference in thousands of children's lives each year."

Filmed at the end of February, the video for "There's A Hero" debuted on GAC March 15th and CMT Canada on March 19th. It's expected on CMT at the beginning of April.
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